“Using technology to make a difference in the world of education and close the gap between children and education globally.”

Sumedha Sodhi, A teacher, and an educator who is passionate about changing society and bringing…

Update: 2021-11-22 04:10 GMT
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Sumedha Sodhi, A teacher, and an educator who is passionate about changing society and bringing education reform. 

The Crazy Tales gathers an incredible story about one dedicated woman Sumedha Sodhi, a social science teacher at Ahlcon international school.

She is honest, hardworking, ambitious, passionate, and a global educator. she has a passion for teaching and is an SDG(sustainable development goals) enthusiast. 

Table of Contents

About Sumedha Sodhi in her own words …

I am the social science head of the department for classes 9 and 10, and also the global citizenship education coordinator working on the global citizenship foundation.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?client=ca-pub-4534398366306080&output=html&h=199&slotdata-name=7805459019&adk=3914051273&adf=3811975224&pi=t.ma~as.7805459019&w=793&fwrn=4&lmt=1637573937&rafmt=11&psa=0&format=793×199&url=https://thecrazytales.com/using-technology-to-make-a-difference-in-the-world-of-education-and-close-the-gap-between-children-and-education-globally/&flash=0&wgl=1&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMi4wLjAiLCJ4ODYiLCIiLCI5Ni4wLjQ2NjQuNDUiLFtdLG51bGwsbnVsbCwiNjQiXQ..&dt=1637573937320&bpp=45&bdt=258&idt=164&shv=r20211111&mjsv=m202111110101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID=24458ed6cc7956f0-22d6366a37cf003e:T=1637573033:RT=1637573033:S=ALNI_MarjhnI_LjiYqNSoqZN2omQxZmsVg&correlator=2599840490487&frm=20&pv=2&ga_vid=65988283.1637573069&ga_sid=1637573937&ga_hid=86786360&ga_fc=1&rplot=4&u_tz=330&u_his=7&u_h=1080&u_w=1920&u_ah=1040&u_aw=1920&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=4&adx=337&ady=2282&biw=1903&bih=912&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=31062423,31062938,31063183&oid=2&pvsid=2725734672682082&pem=912&tmod=2032298660&ref=https://thecrazytales.com/category/101-inspiring-story/&eae=0&fc=896&brdim=0,0,0,0,1920,0,1920,1040,1920,912&vis=1&rsz=||peEbr|&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=1&uci=a!1&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=IkqzLljeRI&p=https://thecrazytales.com&dtd=186

A certified global counselor with UCLA with the prestigious University of California Los Angeles, I am passionate about engaging students in many activities in restorable practices and liberating technology to empower students I am the recipient of many awardees

Her Childhood Memories

I’m fond of traveling. So I used to travel a lot with my family in my childhood. Those memories of traveling to different places are very close to my heart. And second memory. I was very passionate about dancing. So I still remember that dancing, another activity I used to do was art, which I was very fond of.

Sumedha Sodhi’s Journey

Started my journey as a teacher educator for middle school social science teacher in Ahlcon international school in Delhi and 13 years ago.

I was mentored and was given training and a lot of professional development happened in my personality at my school. due to which I was able to become a leader and I was able to take authority of many school projects and community outreach programs.

so these exposures and experiences which I got from my school director Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey help me to establish myself as a good teacher in society and serve the stakeholders in a better way.

Today when I see myself it’s only because of these experiences which I got and the mentorship and training which my school gave me experiences that I received.

During the pandemic, I realize that it was needed to take the extra step to serve the students in a better way because it was all virtual and children need to be taught in a way that they attend virtual classes. I started learning technology myself.

I mastered various educational technology tools that’s why how I became an ambassador for so many educational tools. I’m a certified teacher coordinator for many of the tools which I am using. it helped me to connect better with my students.

so this made me release that I should talk about the various challenges and difficulties faced by the teachers during the pandemic time. That’s why I started the podcast in the name of Edurockstartalks podcasts.

In the last six months. I have launched around 11 episodes of my podcast. which are heard by the students, teachers and educators around the world.

That is how I Aspire to serve the community in a better way in the coming years.

I see myself as a leader in the educational world in the coming years

About Sumedha Sodhi’s family

I lost my father at a very young age so I have my mother and one younger sister.

I am a married husband and two kids all these people play a very important role in my life. Without their support I could not be successful in my life and what I am today.

Support of my mother-in-law and my husband cause they take care of my children. when I was busy in such a way that I was supposed to do and also help me in carrying out my services.

serving the community in a better way by doing the task which I was supposed to do so that helps me a lot. I always had one thing in mind that someone is there to take care of my family and my kids.

my family is my biggest supporter for me for my success of credit goes to my family

Favorite vacation

My favorite vacation where I was taken with my family was a coastal place that is Goa. I really enjoyed with my family going there because the climate was very good and the water. it was great fun so it was a very good vacation. I still remember it it was the most unforgettable experience

A favorite movie she watched last.

I do not watch movies a lot but one movie which I can relate to is patriotic. since I am a social science teacher.

so I believe that movie that helps in my teaching is partition 1947.

It really touched my heart and whenever I teach about Indian history to my children.

I always make sure to make them see some glimpses of that movie during my classroom even in the virtual environment.

I make sure to give them such kinds of projects where children engage themselves in watching such movies.

so they can relate and make real-life connections with what they watch while studying

Sumedha Sodhi’s advice to the youth of the country?

 Follow the path of sustainability time is high we should focus on sustainable development goals and agenda 2030 by United Nations.

Doing something for the environment and our climate for the global problems which are faced in the entire world. There is no planet B in this entire world.

There is only one planet where we all have to live so we must follow the path of sustainable development goals.

Establishing a strong peaceful society where everyone is equal where nobody is discriminated.

where everyone is living in a strong society and everyone can contribute to the betterment of the social generation

Sumedha Sodhi’s motto of life

To serve the education community because since last 13 years whatever I learned. There is a huge gap that lies in the education sector in India. I am aspiring to fill that gap with the latest developments.

That are going on in India like coming up with the new education policy.

I am very hopeful that it is going to bridge that gap in society and the education system will be a better one.

It will lead a path to become successful by inculcating them with 21st-century skills.

Not Just educating them but spreading awareness of healthy, awakened, ready to do something for society is my motto as an educator.

A friend who helped through her journey? 

Friend that always helped me is my husband I met him before my marriage and we were friends. it’s been eight years since he waited for me to marry. As I wanted to complete my dream of becoming an educator. my husband is also my childhood friend.

Every time whenever I was stuck even I was lost, my father.

when I was quite young or it was about my college admission. the one person who was always ready to stand out for me was my husband.

My husband was always too strong and help me to recover from the situation like deadly diseases.

come out through those situations and help me to stay strong and he was always there even in the tough times. I consider him as my best friend.

Sumedha Sodhi is a truly inspiring woman, she is a dedicated lady who works in diverse fields. Sumedha claims that she has abilities to bring a change in this world of education.

she tries to make difference in children’s and educators’ life she working towards removing global barriers in the education system. She has always followed her motto and followed the path to bring a change.

We The Crazy Tales hope that her story inspires you.

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