You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script. Himanshu Sharma
Read below the inspiring life story of social activist Himanshu Sharma;
Himanshu Sharma hails from the Dev Bhumi of Himachal Pradesh. Born in Kangra and brought up in Shimla, his childhood was an unforgettable period. Every time he remembers the time he spent in Shimla, he is reminded of the beautiful and serene times in the city.
As a kid, no one has yet faced the problems and struggles of the real world; they are still pure souls, untouched by the malice that adulthood brings with itself. This is the reason why childhood is the time everyone carries in their heart fondly.
As a child, Himanshu was confident, curious, and immensely compassionate about his fellow living beings. A believer that a happy childhood leads to successful adulthood, Himanshu is thankful to his parents for providing him with the wings and space to create his own identity without ever overshadowing or eclipsing him without their ambitions.
Raised in a prosperous nuclear family including his father, mother, and two elder sisters, Himanshu lost his father at the young age of six due to cardiac arrest. Things changed for the young boy overnight. However, his sisters and his mother stood by him and provided him with reassurance, love, and affection, which fostered his growth.
There were several days when his mother was caught up with work to provide for the family, and his sisters had to step in the shoes of their mother to console little Himanshu. The credit for raising Himanshu into the fine gentleman he is today goes to the beautiful and determined ladies in his life. One statement of theirs that he recalls every time he is feeling low is: “You make a choice; continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of this. Only you should be the one drawing your box.”
Currently pursuing his graduation from Bahra University, Himanshu was eager to participate in every competition held at his school. He represented his state in RIC and was the first delegate to be selected from his school. This success enhanced his confidence and interpersonal skills, which led him to actively participate in campaigns and events for public welfare and social development.
The lockdown during the COVID period made him aware of the financial restraints on many families. Himanshu noticed their struggles to meet their basic requirements firsthand, which triggered him to do something for underprivileged families. He decided to use his resources to help those who did not have enough to fend for themselves. He conducted a campaign about hygiene maintenance and awareness of government schemes. The motive behind this campaign was to help those for whom these schemes were meant to help—those at the grassroots level. He decided to educate them about such schemes made for their benefit. For his active efforts in the field of “Public Works, Youth Services, and Sports”, he was appreciated profusely. During the monsoon of 2023, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand were hit badly. People were displaced due to landslides.
Himanshu raised another campaign where he tried to identify those in need and allocate them to disaster relief shelters.
He knew that he would not be able to help everyone but had the feeling of relief knowing that he made efforts in the right direction, and even if he helped a handful of them, it was better than doing nothing.
Awards and Accolades
National Icon Award, 2023 (Public Works, Youth Services, and Influencer)
Achievers of the Year, 2022 (Trailblazer for Crusaders, “Paving the Path to Inclusivity”)
Sustainability Innovator Award, 2023 (Guardian of the Green)
Influential Indian Award, 2023 (Best Emerging Influencers)
Himanshu Sharma’s favorite movie is The Sky is Pink, and his favorite vacation spots are Kashmir and Paris.
When asked about his hurdles in life, Himanshu told us about the time when his mother got diagnosed with cervix cancer. He remembers losing all of his hopes. His mother’s condition was very severe because the cancer was identified very late. He tried to act strong to give his mother the encouragement she needed to sail through. Everyone around him asked him to accept and be ready for the worst. This further depressed Himanshu, who was already lost and hopeless. He was in a terrible emotional state and was very vulnerable.
After many long nights of no sleep, with the blessing of God almighty, his mother recovered confidently and is in remission now.
This time, he started a campaign about women's sanitation and well-being.
He now aims to be a part of UNICEF and bring about change on a global level with his consistent efforts.
His message for all is:
“Invest in your dreams. Grind now. Shine later”.
There are very few people to support and encourage you in the process, but you are the one who has to believe in yourself; you are the leader of your life.
Himanshu kept believing in himself, achieved everything on his own with his own efforts, and inspires everyone to do the same.