To achieve, you have to let go.
The Crazy Tales gives you an inspirational story about Abha gurain, a strong-willed lady, out of a plethora of inspiring stories. Let's take a look at how she's influencing her dreams and how it could encourage others to do the same.

We had a long conversation with Abha Gurain, about her entrepreneurial journey, her life, and many other topics.
When we asked Ms. Abha to describe herself in ten terms, She responded in kind., I describe myself as Persistent, Wandelerlust, smart working, compassionate, religious, hardworking, easygoing, independent, great cook, and a proud mother.

When we asked her if shed like to share any childhood memories with us, she replied, I had a wonderful childhood, I grew up in Dehradun and then Pune, both places were natural paradise.
Best memories I had during the snowfall in Mansoori, I am still fond of those memories. In Summer vacation at Haridwar or Rishikesh.

Besides, we asked her if she has something you want to say about her family? To this, she stated, We are a happy family with four wheels.
Currently, my husband is an Engineer posted in Asansol, West Bengal SAIL, Burnpur steel plant as DGM.

We're blessed with two daughters. Antra Gurain (20) pursuing Engineering in Instrumentation and control
from NSIT, New Delhi
And the younger one Apsara Gurain (14) currently studying in class 10, also an excellent cook at home.
When did we ask her to tell us about her personal life and relationships? She replied in kind., As I mentioned, at home we are closely knitted, and my husband has a transferable job so we divide our responsibilities and household work accordingly. Like a normal family, we have quarrels, Happy moments, proud moments but more than that we are understanding of each other's problems and compassionate.

When did we ask her about the entrepreneurial journey, She has covered? Let us a rundown of your education, achievements, and honors you've received, to this mentioned, My entrepreneurial journey has been full of ups down, as women do many sacrifices for the welfare of kids and home same happened with me. I also took a break from raising my daughters, my husband was supportive during that period. My schooling/college is from
Dehradun Pune, Ghaziabad,n Delhi as my father had a transferable job too. Hence studying and moving to different places of our country gave me enough exposure, excitement, and life for learning. I have done BA (Economic, history n sociology), and also LLB (Labour law), and a PGDBM (Human Resource).

I have tried to Excel in all my fields, and I'm a strong believer that there is no failure, it is always learning and moving on with experience.
There are no limits of working and learning.
My award/honor/recognition
1) Facilitation from Delhi Dwarka Police
Over my work and contribution on security and security audit 2019
Also, I was a part of screening committee of the award
2) Facilitation from
Delhi police for Swatch Abhiyan.2018
3) Sewa Ratan samman from
Uttar Ramayan manchan 2016
4) Honour as wonder women
by Radio Dwarka using the law to help needy
Interview link is available at radio Dwarka sight 2017
5 ) Honour by helping human NGO for recognizing my work done fr human rights and rag picker
6) Facilitation by Dwarka City Newspaper on organizing laughter show fr occasion of 15 Aug
7) Receive many honors on giving a free lecture on various topics, like
Sexual harassment at work
Women empowerment, and rights.

My Social Contribution is
I am socially active I do organize, participate n also active in various activities culture and social org as organizes
My contribution as drive: Bhagwan ka Samman
We did this drive for two yrs, in this we collected old /new discarded idols of gods thrown under the tree by the public,
Create awareness among people also affect the environment n religious sentiments
It was well appreciated, also covered by media
My work for
RTI awareness and humans rights best application was for Ragpicker
at NCPCR with commission New Delhi
Jointly successful work on the delimitation of area Dwarka with Election commission of Delhi
Several plantation drives,
talk shows police n public meetings
Swachhata Abhiyan ,
Dog shows in Raha- Giri etc
My self is also secretary of the Association of social and cultural events Dwarka @Ramleela Mahotsav
We organize Ramleela Manchan every year, artists come from the various field comes to perform various character ours is one of the best Ramleela of West Delhi, also stand best in Delhi
Several people joined his culture event and Ravan Dahan every year.
I am also a member of
Federation of CGHS Dwarka
dedicate work for the upliftment of
Dwarka sub-city
I have Organized
International womens day celebration with Vanketeshwar hospital.
It was well covered by Media
Awards Achieved with time are-
I do stand with Awards and Recognition from Helping Human Ngo for best work in human rights. The Award was presented by renounce activist
and lawyer Shri Ashok Agarwal
Award received for organizing best Ramleela Manchan
Award received on Swachata Abhiyan by Delhi police
Awards for recognition as wonder women
By Radio Dwarka, New Delhi Interview available on their site.
Awards of appreciation by Venkateswara hospital on International Womens day 2020
*certificate of honor by The classic people society
in field of work social injustice band women empowerment

When did we ask herto tell us how life has treated you? To this, she responded, By all means, I keep myself in the category of lucky, blessed, and cherished.
Besides, we asked about her plans or any wish she wants to complete? To this, she replied, My plans for the future are mostly professional, for my NGO Satyaabha vocal for local Foundation and here we will work for empowerment and skill development in rural India.
When did we ask her about the favorite vacation and movies? To this, she mentioned, I always prefer a good light-hearted comedy movie.
I love Dubai. Hence, that's the best vacation place for a shopaholic person like me.
When did we ask her to share advice or a message she would say to all the youth of the country? To this, she said, I strongly believe that youth is the future of our country and economy. They have immense energy and can do a lot and they must.
- Try as much as you want and explore new ideas.
- Avoid assumptions, this would help you grow.
- Be patient and persistent.
- To get, you have to give.
- Luck comes from hard work.
- Be your best at all times.
- Treat other the way you want to be treated.
- There is no substitute for hard work.

At last, we did ask her the motto of life? Describe as a woman what do you feel, how easy it is to face life? Name some of your friends who helped you throughout. To this she mentioned, Well I believe in the following simplicity, it's a charm of
life, keep the life and opinion simple, rigidness makes things complex.
We live in such a society where people are smart and believe in smart working.
life is full of the roller coaster, so women can work better if they keep improving emotional intelligence, develop mental strength and willpower.
Everyone has their success ladder and story, so better avoid comparing.
Also, maintain mental and spiritual healthy living.
And atlas.. kindness.

Yes, I have many friends and a group of friends. Few people matter in our life work as a support system, never try to lose them.
As someone has rightly said, finding a friend with the same mental disorder is
priceless. I believe this.