An Instructor Bringing The Inspiring Change & Her Story Is Message To The World - Senior GCI - Neeva Singh
Senior GCI Neeva Singh is a strong, enthusiastic & ambitious woman who is determined, for her work. She is a Girl Cadet Instructor in National Cadet Corps. Out of numerous inspiring stories, the crazy tales brings to you an inspirational story of one strong-minded woman, Neeva Singh. Lets see how she is shaping, her dreams and how it can inspire others to follow their heart.
Her Introduction

Senior GCI Neeva Singh who is working as a Girl Cadet Instructor in National Cadet Corps belongs to a unique cadre of Female Instructors under Ministry of Defence comprising of Microscopic number throughout the country. She was trained and commissioned in Officer Training Academy, Gwalior. She joined the NCC Organisation in the year 2007. Senior GCI Neeva Singh is a highly motivated person with phenomenal professionalism and profusion of an ingenious talent. She is a Certified Fitness Aerobics Expert, qualified yoga trainer an accredited writer having authored four books on yoga and Aerobics under reputed publications.

A rhetorician with a resplendent disposition of fitness and Leadership, an accomplished facilitator and as a disciplinarian Senior GCI Neeva Singh is an exemplar for girl cadets and has carved a pivotal niche amongst the NCC fraternity as well as Yog & Fitness Field too. She is General Secretary Capital Yoga Sports Association, Delhi and Central Coordinator & North Zone India Secretary of Yoga Sports Association, India.

She is making a change in society
It takes another kind of grit, determination and self-sacrifice to be part of Uniformed Forces. Out of the rigorous training that is both physically exhausting and emotionally draining, come outbrave heroes who are prepared to die for this country. And it is among these brave heroes that we find extraordinary women who are walking shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts sacrificing their comforts for this country and inspiring generations to come. She carried out arduous responsibility of personally training girl cadets who faired exceedingly well and later joined Armed Forces.

She has been organizing various programs of Yoga at grass root level in park and institutions to create awareness amongst the public towards their health through yoga and related discipline with the support of Ayush Ministry.

Her support system
Firm faith in God is the power which never let you down in any situation. She believes that the almighty`s blessing and supportive parents are the secrets of her success who saved her from all the difficult situations in life. She is lucky to have the strongest motivation in the form of her husband Mr Mimoh Sharma. Her husband is the biggest support system as he has seen her failed and also watched her succeed but always kept her strong. As a mother of a cute son Rudransh Sharma, there is an endearing tenderness of love that transcends all other affections of the heart.

Her favourite vacation and favourite food
Her favourite vacation place she has spent in Goa. Sandy beaches, warm sunsets, beautiful villages and an atmosphere filled with joy are some of the elements that make Goa a popular beach tourist destination. Her favourite food is Chhole Chawal, which is an all-season tasty dish.

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