Only humans can do something for the others", so figure out what you can do to help someone else.

The Crazy Tales chooses an amusing story about one committed lady, Sarita Chauhan, from among a myriad of inspiring stories. Let's have a peek at how she's forming her aspirations and how it could motivate others.
Ms. Sarita Chauhan, who runs her coaching and consultancy firm, and The Crazy Tales, had a long conversation about her life, family, and entrepreneurial journey.

A mother of two, successfully running my coaching and consultancy firm, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker, Ms. Sarita said when asked to describe herself in ten words.
When we asked Ms. Sarita if shed like to share any childhood memories you would like to share with us? To this, she said, A fond memory that I have is, of my father, most evenings he would share the wisdom acquired from holy books, his travel across the world and experience in Army. He is a simple spiritual person with a great amount of knowledge and wisdom. His words had a lot of impact on my life.

Another one that impacted me most was when I lost my eldest sister, I was10 years old, it changed the way I saw the world. Since that day I understand that death is the ultimate loss, something that can never be recovered.
When we asked Ms. Sarita if she has something that she wants to say about her family? To this, she replied, To me, family is where your heart is. God is kind, I have a supportive and beautiful family, both my maiden and extended one. There is so much to learn from each member. We encourage, help and support each other. Freedom of expression in a family is very important, it binds people together. In absence of freedom to be yourself and speak your mind, people fall out of their bonds.

When we asked Ms. Sarita to tell us something about your Personal life & Relationships? To this, she mentioned, Born and brought up in Delhi, I have an amazing family, two daughters (10 years & 2 years old). My marriage was an arranged one, yet I chose my partner. It was my choice to get married in a joint family. They let me be and I know "They always have my back". The journey after the marriage has been a good one, with ups and downs, sunshine and shade. 12 years and counting. I enjoy a great bond with my father, he is always my hero. A selfless human being who is spiritually evolved.

Apart from my family, I am also blessed with amazing friends and colleagues from around the world who made my life happier and easier. Some of them motivate me, some make me laugh, and some challenge my limits. So, I am extremely rich personally.
When we asked Ms. Sarita to share about the entrepreneurial journey she has covered? Give us a brief about your education, awards & recognitions you were honored with? To this, she said, My entrepreneurial journey started in 2014 end when I decided to work for myself. Initially, for 1 year, it was with other friends taking up leadership roles. Soon I was on my own. My first company failed that was started with 2 more people. That taught me the biggest lesson in entrepreneurship. "No matter what you know, who you know, and what you invest in, your business depends on a lot of factors that you can't control". Just like the current covid situation. The only thing that can work in your favor is how fast you can adapt and how well you can prepare yourself for unforeseen circumstances. Today I am a Business Coach, running three ventures of my own. A consulting company, a social initiative, and an international initiative.

I have done Bachelors and Masters both in business economics, have many national and international certifications and accreditation professionally.
The most amazing award in my perspective is the ability to make a difference in someone's life. That ways I receive blessings all year round. Besides in the last few years, the Govt of India felicitated me twice for my contribution to Social Entrepreneurship. I have received the "Exceptional Women of Excellence 2018" Award from WEF, "Best Mentor Award 2018" from 91Springboard, "Nari Sashaktikaran Award" 2019 from Dr. Kcalpana Bhushan, "50 most influential women in Delhi" 2019 from Brijbhoomi Foundation, "Women Entrepreneur Maker of the year 2021" from World Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, "Best Business Coach and Mentor 2021" from The Crazy Tales.
I have written two books on Business, one of them is an Amazon bestseller She added.
When we asked Ms. Sarita to tell us how life has treated you? To this, she beautifully answered,

The actual question should be, "How you treated life", a blessing that was given to you.
We do not choose our core relationships and environment, yet we can always choose to lead a good life no matter where we are born. Exercising that choice and my will to always make the best of what I have, has helped in any situation and circumstances. What's been fulfilling is the love and respect I have received from the people around me.
When we asked Ms. Sarita about plans or any wish she wants to complete? To this, she said, Corona Virus has reminded us a great deal about how precious life is and how plans can tumble down on their own. There are a few plans, both in personal and professional life. I would want things to evolve with time. One goal I can mention is to grow International Small Business Council to 25 countries by 2022 end.
When we asked Ms. Sarita about her favorite vacation and movies? To this, she said, "I have traveled to several countries, but my favorite vacation was 10 years ago in Mauritius, where I was surrounded by stunning scenic views and incredible weather, as well as very nice people." One of my interests is watching movies, and my favorite is 'Life is Beautiful.'
When we asked Ms. Sarita about what advice or a message she would give to all youth of the country? To this, she responded, One that I got from my father as a child,"Only humans can do something for the others", find that one thing you can do for someone else. That can give you a purpose in life.

At last, when we asked Ms. Sarita about the motto of her life? Describe as a woman what do you feel, how easy it is to face life? Name some of your friends who helped you throughout, to this, she said, My motto in life is to teach people entrepreneurship. People expect more from women, especially after marriage. Though things have changed a lot in the last two decades, yet I feel the roots start from parenting. How we raise our girls will decide how far they will go in life. If you teach girls they have unlimited powers, they will always believe the same. I was raised with great values and confidence. Some of my friends who always helped me include my elder brother Govind Chauhan, who was always a friend first, he would listen to me patiently and give the best advice in every situation, my husband Avijit, is very supportive in all aspects, Vidushi Chandna, my school friend, a lawyer by profession based in Delhi, Sheila Suvarna Navlakha, a Communication expert based in Mumbai, Dr. Reeta Shah, Founder Superwoman Unleashed based out of Mumbai and Priyanka Nautiyal, my college friend, Banker by profession based out of Gurgaon.