Dreams Do Come True, Just Dare to Dream - Karishma Sethi
Read below about the inspiring life story of social activist and NGO founder Karishma Sethi

Karishma Sethi is a healer and the mother of 50 beautiful girls that she is raising at her NGO, - Samidha Welfare Foundation. Since childhood, she felt that people felt comfortable in her presence and wanted to open up to her and reveal their true selves. She had an innate desire to build deeper connections with people and succeeded in doing so for most of her life. Karishma’s captivating and energetic personality, as well as her positive aura, attracted people of various age groups to her. However, this came with its share of lows when she met negative people too, who, instead of adding to her healing energy, always took something away from her and disturbed her mental peace.
In the family of six people, Karishma was the most loved and pampered child. She wanted to join the aviation industry and travel the world. But life turned out to be unpredictable, and even though she did join the aviation industry for a short time, she ended up in the corporate world. After being in the corporate industry for more than 16 years, she now feels at home in her current dream destination of serving society at large.
Initially, Karishma was unhappy with the turns life took for her, but when she realized how things were working out for her, she was happy with the choices God made for her.
Karishma was born into a very loving and fulfilling family; she has fond memories of her childhood. All her guardians wanted her to be a good human. She was raised by her grandmother, who gave her a great set of values and beliefs that helped her shape who she is today. All the values Karishma shares with the world today were received by her as an inheritance from her grandparents.
Even though life threw several curveballs her way, she dodged all of them gracefully and is now living her dream life. Since her grandparents departed for the heavenly abode, Sethi turned on a self-exploration journey and managed to find her purpose in life. After a long time of self-analysis and self-introspection, Karishma decided to serve the community and lend a helping hand to those in need. Without any prior experience in the NGO sector, she is now raising a family of 50 girls. She gives a lot of love to them and makes sure that their childhood is every bit as beautiful as Karishma’s was. Within three years since the NGO's inception, the Samidha Welfare Foundation has been conferred with tons of awards as recognition & reward for its progress.
Awards and Accolades
- National Pride Award 2022
- Woman Change Maker of the Year 2023
- Best Social Changemaker 2023
- Best Ngo of the Year ( Samidha Welfare Foundation )
Karishma’s favorite vacation is Switzerland, and her motto is to try and stay happy no matter how tough life gets.
Even though she had to face a lot of trials and tribulations in her life to achieve her place in society, she did not succumb to the challenges. Every time life became tough for her, she questioned everything about life and tried to find meaning. She dedicates her success to her parents & grandparents, being her biggest support system at all times. As her parents were employed in the private sector & worked round the clock to fulfill the needs, her grandparents helped her grow up and become the person she is today.
Even though life came with its share of hurdles, Karishma kept a positive outlook on life.
She believes that if one stays patient and keeps their faith intact, life will reward them later. Even though she received several backlashes and betrayals, she never thought of revenge. She prayed for the betterment of both hers and the ones who hurt her. She believes that karma will get them someday.
Currently, Karishma has big plans for her NGO: Samidha Welfare Foundation. She wants to expand the operations of her NGO and help as many underprivileged girls as possible. She wants people to listen to her and inspire them to lend a helping hand to someone in need.
Even though depression has come knocking on her door quite a few times, Karishma did not lose hope in God Almighty. Her unshakable belief made her sail through the tough times and witness the light that life has to offer.
She shares that she feels proudest and most accomplished for her efforts when the girls at Samidha Welfare Foundation refer to her as their mother. She believes that it is her greatest achievement so far.
Life quote and message for all by Karishma Sethi:
Dreams do come true. Do your best, and leave the rest to the universe. Never hurt another human, even if the world is cruel to you. People may not be able to remember all your kindness, but God sees, counts, & multiplies all the love that you have given away with sincerity.
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For more details and information about NGO - Samidha Welfare Foundation, contact
Karishma Sethi
Head- Operations
Samidha Welfare Foundation