Im Tough, Im Ambitious, & I Know Exactly What I want. And That Makes Me What I Am Today"-Nidhi Kukreja

"She quotes, "life is beautiful even if, it gives you wild surprises when life gives you egg don't let it get waste, make omelettes!!" A lover of art and literature, she talks about career progression, encourage women empowerment and motivate young minds to be wise, strong, and live a positive healthy life!
Out of numerous inspiring stories, the crazy tales brings to you an inspirational story of one strong-minded woman, Nidhi Kukreja. Lets see how she is shaping, her dreams and how it can inspire others to follow their heart.
When the crazy tales asked her to give her introduction, she states, I am Nidhi Kukreja and I hail from Hisar, Haryana, a banker by profession, author and storyteller. I am a marketing professional in a nationalized bank. I also write for my organization and my first debut novel was published in January 2019.
I love travelling and exploring places. I have also worked in different sectors where my mentorship helped students to excel in their skills and gave me confidence for writing more and motivating students which helped in shaping my personality and proffered a new vision to my work and career. I diversify my interest into many sectors which keep her updated and I perpetually come up with new things.

Her Awards & Recognitions
- Her book has been awarded the best crime thriller by Author pages, Chennai.
- She has been a part of the Konark Lit festival.
- She has also been called as Guest Speaker to IIITD ODYSSEY FEST 2020.
- She has been to Khalsa College for Women Ludhiana for a book talk and women empowerment.
- She has been selected for the Women Leadership Award 2020
- India Leadership award 2020

Today at the Women conclave awards, when she was asked about women empowerment she says women are power, source of energy, they are as solid as rock and as soft as lotus. Women's are God the most perfect creation. She stood firm through the storm, when the wind threatens to blow her cover, she adjusts her sail. Her crown must shine irrespective of any field. Every effort or step taken should be appreciated. Today she has been facilitated with Dynamic Personality and Author at the conclave presented by the Crazy Tales.

During the interview, we questioned her about the support system which made her what she is today? To which she quickly replied I consider my father & mother to be my biggest support system. My parents brought me up while facing a lot of challenges in their life. Without their support, I would no have been here where I am now."

Apart from this, we question her about her favourite vacation she has spent and her favourite food; she quickly mentions my favourite food is 'Rajma Chawal, Uttapam and Italian cuisines. And my favourite vacation I would say is 'Dehradun, Uttarakhand' and Manipal, Karnataka.

When the crazy tales, asked her if she had any crazy or influential incident which brought a change in her & would like to share with The Crazy Tales? She replied, when I moved to Dehradun city and I started living alone, away from my parents. The challenges & difficulties I faced has made me realize the importance of parents and their care for children."
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