How To Get Pregnant? Get all Tips, Suggestion & Much More!!
Becoming a parent is the most rewarding and fulfilling experience in our life, but it does not mean that it is easy. For that every couple want to know about How To Get Pregnant?If you and your partner together have decided that both of you are ready for the responsibility of the child and now you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, then you need to do proper planning for this.
No matter how many times you have sex with a partner, if you do not have sex during your most fertile days, i.e. on the day of ovulation, you may find it difficult to become pregnant.So it is very important that you know your ovulation days as an exaggeration because of the chances of conceiving increases on these days. Vascular discharge, such as mucus, is considered a sign of ovulation. However, if you wish, you can also calculate your fertile days with an ovulation kit available in the market.Read Also:Symptoms of Pregnancy
It is very important that you keep in track of your menstrual cycle. As ovulation days is considered to be the most fertile days of a woman. The chances of conceiving increases on these days.In case your periods are irregular, arrive early in a month and come late in a month, then check for such irregularity. Get your doctor checked if there is any problem of PCOD or any other kind because these diseases also make it difficult to get pregnant.If you want to become pregnant early, it is very important that you know your period cycle well. If your periods are irregular, arrive early in a month and come late in a month, then check for such irregularity. Get your doctor checked if there is any problem of PCOD or any other kind because these diseases also make it difficult to get pregnant.
The hormones are affected by the birth control pill. The pills affect the lining of the uterus. This makes difficult for an egg to fertilize. These pills may cause light or heavy bleeding, which won't allow you to get pregnant.After marriage, often many couples who do not want to have children at their starting or women who want to focus on career, take birth control pills. But now if you are planning for a child, it is very important that you stop taking these pills several months in advance. If you have put any other type of hormonal birth control, injection etc. apart from the pill then stop it completely.
By the way, according to some reports, the sperm count of men is the highest in the morning, so having morning sex can be beneficial. When it comes becoming pregnant, people have many misconceptions about sex positions.Most couples feel that the missionary position is the best in terms of being pregnant. But according to doctors, all these things are completely a myth. Couples should try the same sex positions in which they feel good and they get pleasure.
It may sound strange to you, but this trick works in actuality. After having intercourse, lying in bed on your back for 10-15 minutes can be beneficial for the woman because it makes the movement of the sperm in the cervix easier. Also, urination should be avoided during this time.
If you smoke and drink, then it is very important that you stop smoking completely to become pregnant. Consumption of these things reduces the chances of conceiving the baby.
Along with getting a pre-pregnancy check-up, it can also be beneficial to do a home pregnancy test at home. The sooner you know that you are pregnant, the sooner you will be able to meet a doctor and start prenatal care. Take care of your food too. Take healthy things only. As far as possible keep yourself completely away from stress and anxiety. Exercise and meditation.
If you are overweight then you may face difficulties in getting pregnant. So it is very important that you keep your BMI right. Even a slight weight loss can increase the chance of pregnancy.Having too much fat produces excess estrogen, which can affect ovulation. A study has done in 2017 that couples who are obese may take 55 to 59 % longer time to become pregnant as compared to others.While women who are too thin may stop ovulating.So, it is very important for you to maintain a proper and healthy diet.
Prenatal vitamins help in conceiving and maintaining the health of the mother. You can start taking prenatal vitamins even before becoming pregnant. It contains at least 400 micrograms (mcg) per day of folic acid, a B vitamin which helps to prevent birth defects in the baby's brain & spine.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends women to take 400 mcg of folic acid every day for at least one month before getting pregnant. This will help prevent birth defects.This is a good idea because the neural tube develops into the brain and spine of the child just after conception occurs.
It is important that you must consume extra protein and calcium which will help in the fetus growth. Nutritious foods i.e. Legumes, Sweet Potatoes, Salmon, Eggs, Broccoli and Dark, Leafy Greens, Lean Meat,Fish Liver Oil and more.Consuming more than 500 milligrams of caffeine a day has been linked with decrease infertility in women. But according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Having 1 to 2 cups of coffee, or less will have no impact on the conception.
Avoiding heavy exercises for women who won't get pregnant should be avoided. These heavy workouts can imbalance your hormones and can interfere with ovulation.
As women get older their fertility level decreases. This is because of age relates to the problem created in ovaries. Therefore if you are planning for a baby, then the correct age for conceiving is till 37-40. There is a sharper decline after age 37. So, you need to keep in mind the correct time & age for getting pregnant.This article is meant for an informational purpose, not for medicational advice.Tell us if this blog How to Get Pregnant? is 'helpful or not, you can give suggestions by commenting below. Also, definitely share this post with your friends on social sites.Read also:
Some Steps To Know How to get Pregnant
While some couples do conceive easily without much effort, but there are also some couples who take months and sometimes years to get pregnant. In such a situation, we are telling you some important steps that you can follow to accomplish your wish.Keep Ovulation days on your fingertips

Track Menstrual Cycle Every Month

Avoid Birth Control Pills

The best time and position of sex

After Inter-course lay down on the back

Avoid smoking and drinking

Keep doing a pregnancy test at home

Maintain a healthy diet

Start taking a prenatal vitamin

Eat healthy foods

Avoid immoderate exercises

Age-related fertility problems

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