Powerful women award 2022: Panel Discussion on Women Empowerment and Security
The crazy tales organized an event on 11th May, 2022 at Maharashtra Sadan, recognizing and felicitating women role in education.

Women coming out of their shells are the new highlight. It focuses on seeing women's empowerment in a manner where seeking their viewpoints and understanding their status in the society through women's education awareness has been a very long journey. It is overwhelming to see women in all fields striving and proving their merits. So, we at The Crazy Tales initiated our aim towards cognizing women's education by organizing the event at Maharashtra Sadan in New Delhi on 11th May 2022.
We were elevated to see a replete audience along with the honorable presence of expert panelists and awardees. We made sure that the understanding of women education awareness was most stimulating and empowering.
The event began with all the acclaimed panelists opening the ceremony by lighting the lamps. The moderator for the event was Ms. Amrita Kar, the Co-founder of The crazy tales.
We were obliged by the presence of the esteemed panelists starting with Dr. Parin Somani a reputed International Academic and Motivational speaker, Dr. Shefali Raizada, Professor and Additional Director/Joint head at Amity Law School, Amity University, Noida, Ms. Janki Nitin Gavandalkar, a renowned Cyber Forensic Scientific Officer, Ms. Bushra Shazil an educationist, Ms. Mitali Jaiswal a Professional Life coach, Mental health and Emotional well being Counsellor along with Mr. Sudesh Verma, Media coordinator and the senior media advisor of the national Party BJP.
The event began with a light discussion on women's education perspective as each panelist provided their insights on the topic by their life experiences to the very imminent audience attending the event from all over India.
The event was preceded by the first-panel discussion with Dr. Shefali Raizada, Professor, Additional Director/Joint head Amity Law School, Amity University Noida. She spoke about how the education systems have changed post-covid and that both educationists and parents can cooperate in guiding students to cope with the changing scenarios. She told us to focus on the positive part that change is inevitable with the present education system we must focus on finding out what is good for students. The parents and educators can have mutual understanding in guiding the student together.
The second panelist who spoke with us was Ms. Janki Nitin Gavandalkar who is the Cyber Forensic Scientific Officer. She told us several ways in which women can secure themselves from cyber forensic crimes as the usage of social media is undeniably increasing. She also briefed us about the negative issues with using wi-fi in public places and also how to secure and use our bank details against the various cyber crimes that have escalated over the recent years.
The third spokesperson from our respective panel was Ms. Mitali Jaiswal a professional life coach and mental health and emotional well-being Counsellor. She explained to us the importance of maintaining emotional and mental well-being during covid times and like how we can come out of this loneliness by largely focusing on the positives. She also talked about guiding women since women are more vulnerable in these things as once have to handle both household and office and how important it is to take care of themselves so that they also can live healthier lives and achieve their goals.
The session was followed by another diverse discussion on Women in Higher studies by our next panelist Ms. Bushra Shazil an Educationist. She talked us through the present scenario of women pursuing higher education and how women can also opt for higher education as a career. She also briefed about the support men can provide to their wives in mainstream education. She also told us to persuade more women towards higher studies including Ph.ds and medical.
Shortly, after our next panelist, Dr. Parin Somani took the podium. Dr. Somani is an International Academic speaker, Motivational Speaker, Writer, Author, humanitarian, and philanthropist. She is a cancer survivor so she guided the audience about her difficult journey battling cancer and how health is the most important thing one should care for.
The last speaker for the evening was our panelist, Mr. Sudesh Verma. He is the Media coordinator and the senior media advisor of the national party BJP. He recently has written a book on our honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi titled "The Game-Changer'. He discussed the new schemes that are coming on women's security and women empowerment and what all things are taken care of by the people who are in politics. He even discussed the small-scale business schemes issued for women entrepreneurs.
All guests and panelist members acknowledged awareness of women's rights and how important education is for women.
Ms. Amrita Kar our co-founder at The Crazy tales gave the end note after the panel encouraging women to learn about their rights and to be aware of themselves in understanding what is good for their overall self-growth and development.
The Crazy tales is a platform where we have to present honored around 4000 women and we have also published their autobiographies on our website.
The founders always believe to empower more and more women and we aim to become an even larger platform for women in the coming days. This time we focus on our coffee table book launch on the 51 most powerful women across India inspiring all by sharing their amazing life journeys. It will be formally launched on the 27th of July 2022.