Dr Neelam Singh
Dr Neelam Singh is a strong, influential, passionate & ambitious woman who is determined, for her work. She is a renowned BDS (Maulana Azad Medical College) Out of numerous inspiring stories, the crazy tales bring to you an inspirational story of one strong-minded woman, Dr Neelam Singh. Lets see how she is shaping, her dreams and how it can inspire others to follow their heart.

When the crazy tales asked her to give her introduction, she states, I am a BDS (Maulana Azad Medical College). My mission is to achieve the ultimate goal of healthy teeth and pleasing fcg smile for everyone at Neelam Dental Clinic. Worked as consultant At ICMR with project .. Mental health and social stigma among health care workers involved in covid 19.

I have worked for autistic children, orphanages, did much free health check-up, in this pandemic time, for the first time as a dental surgeon. I have also started the page "Wealth is health", as our greatest wealth, is our health, created a team of 'Drs' to give information and free online consultation, to the people regarding oral health and general health. In this COVID 19 pandemic time, I started the 'live sessions' to educate and spread general awareness on oral health and general health, interviewed by med life.

In this whole lockdown, the period I have managed everything. For the first time educated foot painters virtually with demonstration about oral hygiene maintenance.

Her Entrepreneurial Journey- Awards & Achievements
I was very passionate about learning dance but I had severe backache in 2002. Although doctors have asked me to take complete bed rest and told me to avoid dance but with my courage and my Guruji's blessings, today I can do Zumba, Bollywood songs and learning Semi-classical dance and I have Done many group dance performances and have also anchored the dandiya night. With a thought, a woman is strong which I learnt from my mother who was a National award winner in 2005.
- Online beauty pageant with Taj India Agra
- 2nd runner up Mrs India classic 2020 Style Fiesta
- Awarded by Women excellence achievement award 2020
- An awardee of women achiever calendar 2021 in a fashion lifestyle magazine.
- An awardee of Women conclave and Award 2020

When we question her, how she is making a change in society? she said well, I am making a change in society by educating and making aware of oral and overall health, especially for the special needs people like autistic children, handicapped people, foot painters, how they can take care of their oral health"

During the interview, we questioned her about the support system which made her what she is today? to which she replied, well my support system is me(I believe in myself), my family, my mother's and teachers teachings.

Apart from this, we question her about her favourite vacation she has spent and her favourite food; she quickly mentions My favourite vacation was an educational vacation when I went to UK, Nepal and many other places in India where I presented "Paper Presentation National and International level". My favourite food is Shahi and Mumtaz paneer Moong Dal Halwa.

When the crazy tales, asked her if she had any crazy or influential incident which brought a change in her & would like to share with The Crazy Tales? she quickly replied The influential incidence is when I was thinking of doing Satsang for Autistic children and there was one parent who said "doing Satsang is fine but is there any Dentist who can give treatment to these types of children? And ya, that was a turning point for me. And I feel that this part of society needs extra attention and we all must do for them.

Finally talking to the crazy tales, she gave a message "please wear a mask and wear it properly, cover your eyes too, and wash your hands properly"
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